Mr K Ramu
Associate Professor
Mr K Ramu completed his M. Tech (EPS) in Sri Vidhya Niketan Engineering college, Tirupathi and B. Tech EEE completed in Sri Krishna Devaraya Engineering college, Anantapur and has 2 years of experience in industry working as senior engineer and has 9 years of teaching experience. His area of interests includes HVDCT Systems, FACTS, PMUs, Power system Operation Control & Stability, Fuzzy logic controllers. published 7 papers in UGC Authorized journals and attended 2 national Workshops & 5 Faculty development programmes.

Mr N Pavan Kumar
Assistant Professor
Mr N Pavan Kumar completed his bachelor’s degree (2009) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu & Master’s degree (2012) in Power Electronics and Drives in first class with Distinction from Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal, Tamil Nādu. He has published twelve papers in international journals and presented seven papers in international and national conferences. He has guided Various UG & PG Projects. He has coordinated and attended many National / International / IEEE Webinars, Seminars, Workshops, IIT sponsored FDP and AICTE Sponsored STTP programs. He is a life member of professional bodies like IEEE, IAENG, UACEE and IEAE (InSc). His research interests include Power Electronics, Renewable-Energy Generation Source. He has completed Cisco CCNA certification course in Networking and got Educator Training Certificate.

Ms. M. Shobha
Assistant Professor(Ph.D)
Ms. Shobbha.M completed MTech (EPE) from JNTUCEH & is pursuing PhD from NIT Arunachal Pradesh. She has 10 years of experience in teaching. Her Area of interest include Electrical Machines, Neural networks, and fuzzy Logic. She has Published 7 National UGC authorized journals and attended 3 National level workshops & 3 Faculty development programs

Mrs P Prathyusha
Assistant Professor
Mrs P Prathyusha completed M.Tech in PED from JNTU Anantapur and has 3 years of teaching experience in areas of interest circuits, power generation, transmission & distribution, Power Electronics, Protection, Digital Electronics & Control Systems. Has published two papers in UGC Authorized journals.

Ms S Sumalatha
Assistant Professor
Ms S Sumalatha did her B.Tech degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from S.K.University Anantapur in 2016 and MTech in Electrical Power System from S.K.University Anantapur in 2018. Her research interests include Power Systems and Power Electronics. She has published a paper titled ‘Hybrid planning method based on cost-benefit analysis for Smart charging of Plug-in Electric vehicles. in SCOPUS International Conference in 2018 at Nandyala.

Mr K Gangadhar
Assistant Professor
Mr K Gangadhar completed M.Tech in (P&ES) from NITK Surathkal and has 10 years of teaching experience in areas of interest power system operation control, distribution generation, Distribution system. published 4 papers in UGC Authorized journals.

Mrs K M Ravali
Assistant Professor
Mrs K M Ravali completed her master’s degree in IOT from JNTUA and Bachelor’s degree from SRIT, Anantapur.

Mr S Khadar Vali
Assistant Professor
Mr S Khadar vali completed M.tech in (EPS) from Anantha lakshmi institute of technology and sciences and has 1 year of teaching experience. Areas of interest include power systems, control system and embedded systems. Had published 2 papers in UGC authorised journals. Done a live project from Indian school of business (ISB)
Mr Y Dinakar
Assistant Professor
Mr Y Dinakar completed his B. tech ( 2004) in E. E. E from sri venkateswara engineering college, suryapeta, AP. &M.tech(2019) in power system from K L university, vaddeswaram, A.P and also pursuing PHD in EV from KL university. He has published three scopus indexed& two (scopus & WOS) indexed papers in various international journals. He is a member of IEEE. His research interests include Renewable energies, solid state transformer & EV charging stations.

Mr P Dhanunjaya
Assistant Professor
Mr P Dhanunjaya completed M.tech in Electric Power Systems and have 5 years of teaching experience. Areas of interest include power systems, control system and embedded systems.